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Lieux Perdus

₫ 465.000Price

Do you enjoy reading books on the beach?

If given the choice of the most wonderful background for reading a book, we wouldn't hesitate to choose the beach. The sun, the wind, the sound of the waves. An afternoon by a beach of our own.

Lieux Perdus evokes that feeling for us. The feeling of pampering oneself. The feeling of not having to think too much. Lying down on the sand, reading a bit, then closing our eyes, drifting off to sleep to the sound of waves crashing...

Lieux Perdus captures that ambiance, with the scent of fresh fruits - strawberries and cherries, fragrant and gentle. Enveloping and refreshing like a sea breeze. The breeze that lulls you into a nap under the palm trees, yet also wakes you up. And when you wake up, it's already dark, and you know you've gained more energy and serenity.

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